Terry Ka Fung

Terry Ka Fung FONG
Head Engineering Student Ambassador, 2011-12
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2010-11
Class of 2013,
BEng & BBA (Computer Engineering & General Business Management)
Hong Kong
TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College, Hong Kong

This is Terry, now in my third year studying Computer Engineering and Business Management. I very much treasure the four years in HKUST. I truly feel the university’s effort in nurturing its students. In the past two years, HKUST offered me two major benefits, academic excellence and global exposure.

Academic Excellence:
It is not rare to see our professors on newspaper because of their excellent research work. Feeling their passion in different domains of study, we never hesitate to ask questions and discuss with them in class. They are interested in any questions raised and take them very seriously to make concepts clear to students. Their respect towards knowledge is very impressive to me, driving me to discover more in my studies.

Global Exposure:
HKUST offers me an opportunity to study abroad. Now I am studying in the United States for one semester (Fall semester, 2011-12) and I am applying for another exchange opportunity in Taiwan. The school is so helpful to smooth administrative processes like credit transfer, course approval request, communication with host institutions, etc. All the convenience offered by the school shows its passion in sending us out to gain international experience. I can feel this from our staff and the sophisticated yet flexible exchange system. All in all, HKUST is an excellent educator. My experience in UST proves I have made the right choice two years ago.